9. Narco mar Boca del Sucio 2012

9. Narco mar Boca del Sucio 2012The first night sleeping alone in the home of the health promoters in Puerto Nuevo was a harbinger of how torturous it would be to live in that abandoned house, where the bats were the owners.

She felt safe under that white canopy, but the bats would defecate or urinate on it, as if to indicate that it was unwelcome.

The house did not have water but it had a well that had not been used for years, it was a lot of work to pump the dirty water with that hand pump until clean water comes out, luckily that day he was able to collect water from a copious downpour, which It fell during the night and leaked from the leaks in the meeting room, into the tanks they had in the kitchen unused for decades.

At dawn after a night dealing with fleas, mosquitoes, and bats, she got a motor tricycle to take her to Boca del Sucio.

The trip to Boca del Sucio seemed more beautiful than the trip to Tres Vías. It was along a dirt road, not the new paved road, on the way there was the Farm of the Peasant Organization and many other farms. The area had been deforested, with cattle, and now they began to plant African palm, but the houses on the farms had fruit trees, especially coconut, guavas, oranges, mandarins, lemons, badea, custard apples, guava, and soursop. The badea is a fruit that has a shell that is used to make dishes and her father told her that women use it to be fertile.

 The Royal Palms were the only tree that they kept in the paddocks, and piñón was the tree with which they made the fences and gave very beautiful flowers,

The Boca del Sucio dispensary was on the main street of the town, nearby there was a descent where cars crossed the river to go inside the Mache Chindul Reserve, and on that descent the planks and boards that illegally came from the Reserve and the washerwomen.

In the Peasant Social Security dispensary, there was a nurse who worked as a nursing assistant, she was black, big, and with an easy smile that she drew on her face, she was the real owner of the dispensary, and a dentist who had a jeep, which made her feel the richest person in the region, his vanity escaped from every pore.

 The dispensary had a better layout than the disastrous Tres Vías dispensary, with a large lot. The town was two streets are about 50 houses, a school next to the dispensary.

The good thing about Boca del Sucio was that the president of the Health promoters of the Peasant Organization lived there and he was a great friend of Máxima's father. They had known each other since the 1970s when his father came as a student to give medical talks to the peasants.

Máxima arrived at Pablo's store, who was as always lying in his hammock.

_Hi, Pablo

_We finally have her in the town doctor- was the reply as she stood up showing her huge smile. Immediately his wife appeared who was the true engine of the family since at the same time she was a farmer, merchant, and mother of the family.

"It's good that a doctor comes to help us because things are going from bad to worse," said Beatriz as she hugged Máxima.

- What do you mean, from bad to worse?

- The plague of snails has fallen on us. They eat everything from cocoa to whatever, then the African palm plantations are polluting the river with pesticides.

- Are there African palm plantations around here too?

- You will see them when you leave, but they are north of town and you came from the south. When you come from Quito or Esmeraldas, it is better to stay passing Sal si Podemos, the little town before Puerto Nuevo and from there take the tricycle, you will see how everything is African palm-commented Pablo.

We are also in a tremendous fight for the lands of the Organization's farm. The last leaders are distributing it to them, my husband and a few others are the ones who prevent them from keeping everything, because they have already taken a good part. Beatriz said, while she put a Creole chicken broth on the table.

- Help yourself, doctor.

-They were telling me about the problems of the farm.

-The worst doctor is that those who want the farm are involved with a guy who is a neighbor, but he is involved in drug trafficking and has armed people. He is a man who is buying from all the peasants, by hook or by crook and he is a friend of the mayor of Muisne, between the two it seems that he has something. The mayor was a famous highway robber and it is even said that he has killed his enemies.


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