41.The fearsome meetings of doctors and dentists

Like every first Monday of each month, the doctors of the Rural Health Network met in La Esperanza, to present their reports, and on occasions to receive a talk that was dictated by a colleague, or a visiting doctor.

 At that meeting, there was news that 5 Cuban doctors joined. Some of them were overqualified, like the emergency medicine doctor, with 20 years of experience, who went to work in the most difficult place of all, on the border with Colombia.

Most of the doctors were coastal graduates from the University of Guayaquil, considered one of the most complicated in the country, as it was certified as a category D university. It was a den of opportunistic politicians, especially those on the extreme left, who put teachers on and off. , gave the title to the students who joined the party, participated in the demonstrations, or paid with money, or sex.

This university came to be controlled by a famous criminal, who trafficked inland and took over the University because they could not arrest him there, because the police could not enter it.

But among the doctors who graduated from that university, there were some excellent professionals, who were so on their own, as they sought to practice in hospitals, where they lived as long as they were not in the classrooms.

"Comrades, let me take a picture," said the only mountain dentist.

- What's wrong with you stupid mountain range! Who do you think you are to take pictures of us? -It was the brutal response of a recently arrived doctor, obese and rude, that his father was one of the most famous narco-pimps in La Esperanza, owner of numerous brothels.

- The stupid and rude is your fat moron! Máxima yelled at her, that since she was from the capital, she was also called a mountain by the president of the Santo Tomás Rural Health Network.

Máxima approached the fat man while the little dentist tried to reassure her.

-Ignorant, don't you know that for saying mountain, as you told our partner, you can go to jail, if the doctor follows a trial?

"Nobody calls me stupid or moronic, and worse a woman!" She answered.

When Máxima was close to the obese doctor, she was ready to scratch her face, so that it would be marked for life. The network's provincial director managed to interpose and arrest her.

- Quiet. Partner, - he said to the obese doctor - get out of here and wait for me outside to speak after the meeting.

One of the afro and indigenous doctors, because he had black skin but straight hair and thought he was handsome, they were called the almost cute, intervened in favor of the fat doctor.

- The partner is right. If he doesn't want to be filmed, they don't have to.

"But he didn't have to be so stupid," Dr. Máxima told him.

In the meetings of the doctors, regionalism was lived to the surface, and as it was the Coast, the mountain people who joined us or humbly passed by mockery, insult, and contempt, were not accepted. For this reason, the only doctor in Santa Ana, a city in the Southern Sierra, chose never to attend, justifying his absences in that he worked 22 days followed by 8 days off and took them the first 8 days of the month, in which for the generals were the monthly meetings to deliver reports, which were delivered earlier.

The reports turned to torture, increasing every month. The doctors had to attend at least 28 patients a day and the dentists 14.

- When I first arrived I had up to 40 patients a day, then not anymore, now it is difficult to have more than 20- said Máxima.

"But his colleagues and the dentists have no problems," observed the director.

-The dentist who worked in Santo Tomas, she attended only 1 day each month, but she charged as if she had worked 5 days a week. I saw the copy of the reports that she presented the other day, she had at least 16 patients a day, 80 a week, more than 300 a month.

The reports are a great lie, which serves to hide the real number of patients, they lie about the diseases, they alter statistics and reality, they allow assistants or nurses, prescriptions are dispensed to patients who do not exist, with which they earn money with the medicines that they steal from dispensaries, in addition to the fact that doctors and dentists steal working hours from the Internet.

That complaint alerted Cuban doctors, who in Cuba, not even in their dreams, would dare to falsify the reports, as was done in the Campesino Network.

In Cuba, doctors did not have to keep statistics, there are other officials who do and act as supervisors of the work of the operative personnel, one of the Cuban doctors observed.

Máxima's words were considered a betrayal of the so-called group spirit, which is the same as saying cover-up. That day, Máxima realized that she couldn't get along with all of her colleagues.


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