31. The festival of fishermen, drug traffickers and the Virgin of Los Milagros

After the parade, in which the schools and the college participated with their war band, came the election of the queen.

Máxima had recommended to Dr. Juan Luis, the dentist, not to be a judge in the election of the queen, because in the towns anything is a pretext for fights and fights at parties.

"Doctor, you are sure that he wants to be the judge" she asked him again as he was about to sit at the jury table.

-Quiet doctor, everything is under control.

The parades of the candidates began, first in a ball gown, then in a fancy dress, and finally in a bathing suit.

The audience sat in plastic chairs on the street, which was interrupted by the rostrum. The speakers drew attention by their volume.

The bars shouted the name of the representative of the neighborhood, thinking that the more noise they made, the more points the candidate would have.

In the end, the jury gave the verdict. It happened precisely what Máxima predicted, the losers were irritated and began to throw what they had in their hands, starting with the beer bottles. The jury ran away, a crowd ran after the dentist, who managed to reach the dispensary, while dozens of enraged insulted him.

The police arrived and calmed the enraged. The dentist was completely freaked out. He thought they were going to lynch him.

After the election came the match of ecua-volleyball, which is a volleyball that has three players on each side, the one who goes behind has the mission of receiving the ball, which is heavier, almost like football, when the player who plays the beat sends it to the opposite court, but covers a posterior third, the setter is the player who accommodates the ball to the setter, whose mission is to score points by outwitting and placing the ball where the enemies cannot reach or get confused. The extraordinary thing is the amount of dollars that the players bet and can reach up to 3,000 dollars, plus what the spectators bet, which gives it a similar touch, the cockfight.

Finally comes the dance at night, which is preceded by the presentation of singers ranging from rancheras singers, to regetón and perreo singers, which invites the girls to dance with erotic movements, stripping off their clothes.

While the discos gather the boys and the drug traffickers who stand in the back, they pay for the beers of their hookers who are the ones who invite the young women to the disco and intoxicate them, they excite them with dances that look like sex with clothes, of one or two men with a girl, or of two girls with a man, they call this dance manroneo.

While the drug lords have their luxurious vehicles out on the boardwalk, where from time to time they go out to chat and drink their expensive bottles of whiskey.

The funny thing is that the parents, who see how their daughters are groped and almost raped on the dance floor. They even lean against the wall or columns of the disco simulating how they surrender for a subsequent penetration, they dance hugging their partner's hips with their legs simulating a double penetration, by the partner who is held with their legs, and another that is behind him, that debauchery is seen above all in adolescents, who are the prey of drug traffickers when they are already dizzy.

The next day, among the patients, is one of the wealthy fishermen, who has 23 boats in San Miguel, 4 in Santo Tomas, and 13 in Santa Rosa, he also has 5 Ford double cab pickup trucks, with raised suspension, which have EL CACIQUE written on them.

-When he saw him enter with his gold chains around his neck and his huge rings in his hands, he realized that he was a drug lord. His father told him that the drug lords are identified by his gold chains.

- Good afternoon doctor.

-Good afternoon. How can I help you?

- Doctor, I have two girls who are waiting for me in my truck. and I would like you to prescribe something for me to perform in bed with them.

- We don't have viagra or senidafil here.

-Just give me the prescription and I buy it and tell me if there is a risk or not if I take it.

- I will take your blood pressure, you have to inform me if you have had heart or pressure problems.

- No doctor, I don't have those problems, but my father died of a heart attack.

The doctor proceeds to take the anamnesis and physical examination.

-He seems to be healthy. I think if I can prescribe you, but don't use cocaine, marijuana, or get drunk, there may be a cross-reaction.

- There is God, I think I'll buy them just in case if my partner fails me. But I already have the drink in the car.

The man, who was a tall and stocky mulatto person of about 45 years old, got into his car where two minors were waiting for him. He said goodbye by raising his hand and showing his smile.

Then Dr. Juan Luis, the dentist who still showed on his face the panic caused by the near lynching, left his office.

- You were right doctor. It was terrible

After the parade, in which the schools and the college participated with their war band, came to the election of the queen.

Máxima had recommended to Dr. Juan Luis, the dentist, not to be a judge in the election of the queen, because in the towns anything is a pretext for fights and fights at parties.

"Doctor, you are sure that he wants to be the judge," she asked him again as he was about to sit at the jury table.

-Quiet doctor, everything is under control.

The parades of the candidates began, first in a ball gown, then in a fancy dress, and finally in a bathing suit.

The audience sat in plastic chairs on the street, which was interrupted by the rostrum. The speakers drew attention by their volume.

The bars shouted the name of the representative of the neighborhood, thinking that the more noise they made, the more points the candidate would have.

In the end, the jury gave the verdict. It happened precisely what Máxima predicted, the losers were irritated and began to throw what they had in their hands, starting with the beer bottles. The jury ran away, a crowd ran after the dentist, who managed to reach the dispensary, while dozens of enraged insulted him.

The police arrived and calmed the enraged. The dentist was completely freaked out. He thought they were going to lynch him.

After the election came the match of ecua-volleyball, which is a volleyball that has three players on each side, the one who goes behind has the mission of receiving the ball, which is heavier, almost like football, when the player who plays the beat sends it to the opposite court, but covers a posterior third, the setter is the player who accommodates the ball to the setter, whose mission is to score points by outwitting and placing the ball where the enemies cannot reach or get confused. The extraordinary thing is the number of dollars that the players bet and can reach up to 3,000 dollars, plus what the spectators bet, which gives it a similar touch, the cockfight.

Finally comes the dance at night, which is preceded by the presentation of singers ranging from rancheras singers to regetón and perreo singers, which invites the girls to dance with erotic movements, stripping off their clothes.

While the discos gather the boys and the drug traffickers who stand in the back, they pay for the beers of their hookers who are the ones who invite the young women to the disco and intoxicate them, they excite them with dances that look like sex with clothes, of one or two men with a girl, or of two girls with a man, they call this dance manroneo.

While the drug lords have their luxurious vehicles out on the boardwalk, where from time to time they go out to chat and drink their expensive bottles of whiskey.

The funny thing is that the parents, who see how their daughters are groped and almost raped on the dance floor. They even lean against the wall or columns of the disco simulating how they surrender for a subsequent penetration, they dance hugging their partner's hips with their legs simulating a double penetration, by the partner who is held with their legs, and another that is behind him, that debauchery is seen above all in adolescents, who are the prey of drug traffickers when they are already dizzy.

The next day, among the patients, is one of the wealthy fishermen, who has 23 boats in San Miguel, 4 in Santo Tomas, and 13 in Santa Rosa, he also has 5 Ford double cab pickup trucks, with raised suspension, which have EL CACIQUE written on them.

-When he saw him enter with his gold chains around his neck and his huge rings in his hands, he realized that he was a drug lord. His father told him that the drug lords are identified by his gold chains.

- Good afternoon doctor.

-Good afternoon. How can I help you?

- Doctor, I have two girls who are waiting for me in my truck. and I would like you to prescribe something for me to perform in bed with them.

- We don't have viagra or senidafil here.

-Just give me the prescription and I buy it and tell me if there is a risk or not if I take it.

- I will take your blood pressure, you have to inform me if you have had heart or pressure problems.

- No doctor, I don't have those problems, but my father died of a heart attack.

The doctor proceeds to take the anamnesis and physical examination.

-He seems to be healthy. I think if I can prescribe you, but don't use cocaine, marijuana, or get drunk, there may be a cross-reaction.

- There is God, I think I'll buy them just in case if my partner fails me. But I already have the drink in the car.

The man, who was a tall and stocky mulatto person of about 45 years old, got into his car where two minors were waiting for him. He said goodbye by raising his hand and showing his smile.

Then Dr. Juan Luis, the dentist who still showed on his face the panic caused by the near lynching, left his office.

- You were right doctor. It was terrible


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