NARCOMAR. Chapter 55. Extortion by cell phone at school

On the day of the town festival, a young girl from the school who was the favorite candidate for town queen was extorted by a classmate.

-If you do not have sex with me, I will publish your intimate photos on social networks and she showed him one of her.

Angela went into nervous shock so she went to the health clinic.

-What's wrong with you, why are you shaking and crying? -Maxima asked the girl, who could hardly speak. How old you?

I'm 16

Are you chilling? Why are you trembling? Has anyone in your house had malaria?

No doctor, I'm very nervous.


Because a colleague whom I asked to help me fix my cell phone, stole some photos that I took naked and has published them on the Internet.

Máxima, in the company of Angela, arrived at the school and told the rector what had happened.

"I can't believe that is happening in this school," said the rector.

-The school has a computer lab, and it has Internet, the boys handle tablets and cell phones, the town now has satellite television, the asphalt road has already arrived, it is only 10 minutes to San Miguel. I still remember the first days when I arrived and the truck that was bringing me got stuck on the slope passing El Manglar, I had to push it out of the quagmire, now we also have new crimes and new criminals such as internet sexual extortionists.

The rector gathered all the students in the schoolyard, under an intense sun the reprimand began - Doctor Máxima from the dispensary who has to speak to them.

-One of you, if he is brave, will take a step forward, she stole Angela's intimate photos, when she gave him her cell phone to repair it, she asked her to sleep with him or publish her photos on the Internet. Angela is one of the candidates for queen of the town, what she did, she got to know the whole town, now they believe Angela surely sells porn photos. That is a crime, it is called sextorition, it is paid with jail. If she is a minor, the harmed the penalty is greater. Whoever did it have to go to a juvenile hall. The important thing is that you, the women of the College, have to oppose the boys who harass them, force them to do things they do not want, to put up with them when they sit on their legs, showing off that they are submissive, when they travel in the buses, or they hide their backpacks from them, they steal anything from them, they touch them, or they make impolite, rude, insinuating jokes. You have to denounce the jerk who harasses you. You all have to agree to apply the law of ice to him, until he stops bothering any of you. You must report macho and aggressive behavior, you must apply the law of ice to whoever bothers you and others. They have to show that women are not men's toys, that they cannot get away with it, what they do goes unpunished. We will not tolerate being humiliated, used, mistreated. We have to teach and remind them every day that they are the children of a woman, that they have mothers, sisters who deserve the same respect as we do. I want the one who did this to step forward, to show his face to all his companions.

The students, who did not know who did it, looked at each other, the coward, hypocrite and prude who did it, remained indifferent, hiding behind the neck of his classmates. The Doctor did not know who did it and she said to Angela- Please point a finger at the one who did this.

Angela pointed at Artemio, who ran out of the school and went to hide in his house.

Maxima went with Angela to the political lieutenant's office and with him to the police.

 They arrived in the patrol car to Aretemio's house. The boy's mother began to scream, soon the cousins ​​and neighbors began to be aggressive with the police, finally they entered the house, but Artemio had escaped.

The day of the town festival began with the parade of the school's war band, considered one of the best in the province.

By government order, now school bands played popular music. The boys had a parade uniform for these ceremonies, and their passage so full of musical sounds, of dozens of instruments, encouraged all the parents.

After the students, went the group of gymnasts with their acrobatics, and after them, the football teams of all the parishes, including the men and women of more than 40 years.

The women's teams were the ones that had the most enthusiasm and bars, because behind each woman who played were her children, husbands, and other relatives of her.

The sports morning began with the match between the women's teams, which featured a crowd that shouted euphoric at each play.


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